Cross the Bridge of Your Journey to Transformation
My anchor!
Our intuition is a part of our soul, which merges with the fetus before we are born. Describing intuition is not easy because it is something that must be developed through experience, continued practice, and the building of faith. It’s like learning to play the piano...
The Bridge Inwards October 2020 Inside Story
No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of another. - Charles Dickens Sometimes the worst experiences we have can end up being the most rewarding in the end. Without being able to compare what we have now with what we really want, how do we know...
Unexpected surprise!
As I read my own story, I see that, when I was younger, I was getting into and out of situations haphazardly, with no real plan for where I was going. Life (or an invisible force) seemed to be maneuvering me, and I was instinctively succumbing to my circumstances, not...
The Bridge Inwards September 2020 Inside Story
Being lost along your path is a part of finding the path you are meant to be on. Feeling lost seems like such a downer for a blog topic, but it is, more importantly, the way to discover what feels right and what we prefer not to re-experience. In a way, feeling...
Without ever being or feeling lost, how do we find our way? How do we know the right way, without going the wrong way first? Being lost has many varying degrees. You can be lost in your thoughts, lost without a loved one or pet, or you may get lost driving to a new...