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Join us for Sunday’s Group Healing Call every Sunday at 7:30 P.M. Pacific

February 16, 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm

This group call is for those yearning for support in healing past traumas, relationships and any emotional and psychological injuries that hold you back from being and living your joy and happiness. By simply dialing in and listening to the Angelic Reformation processes played during the call, you will receive Angelic Healing that will support you in releasing negative addictions, patterns and beliefs that keep you stuck, restoring your internal strength!

With an open heart and mind, these spiritual tools will expand your consciousness and empower you with the fortitude to move through your lessons and challenges with more ease and grace along with a deeper understanding of why you are here.

The only way to your knowing is through experience!

If you find that certain people and / or situations trigger a negative emotional response in you, you struggle with addictive behaviors, you suffer from a chronic illness, anxiety, shame and / or depression and you would like help releasing these negative energies, you are in the right place!

Every week I play Subconscious Repair, a powerful and transformative spiritual tool that evokes the presence of Master Angelic Beings to appear and remove limiting beliefs, negative programming and unbeneficial thoughts from the subconscious mind that have been stored throughout our lifetime.  With continued use, negative behaviors will simply fall away and things that used to trigger you will no longer be there.

There’s more…

Be prepared for an hour of Angelic Reformation. Each week, following Subconscious Repair, I will play one to two additional Angelic Reformation tools.

This weeks edition’s will be Psychological Repair followed by Relationship Development!

Psychological Repair: This process repair helps by clearing mental limitations, psychological limitations, and positively influencing the subconscious mind, aiding us in dealing with difficult situations, manifesting answers, and developing actions in line with Divine Will for the best possible outcomes.

Relationship Development: This process helps create harmony and oneness with all particles of matter in the universe impacting all times and dimensions and removing barriers and anti-Divinity limitations


And all you have to do is tune in and listen!


Use either dial-in Number: (669) 900-6833 or (646) 558-8665

Joining with your computer or iPad, click here


February 16
7:30 pm to 8:30 pm