At any one moment, change comes to our lives, usually unbidden. While we often think we don’t want things to change, wouldn’t it be a dull life if they didn’t?
Maybe you have been slogging through a difficulty – a health or financial issue –for a long time. But because you’re seeking relief, you persevere; you know that the answer will, at some point, finally arrive.
Who’s to say that that thing, whatever it is, is not one of the greatest blessings you could experience? Who’s to say that that experience wasn’t there to expand your consciousness, enhance your natural abilities, and strengthen your faith in yourself and in God in a way that wouldn’t be possible if “that thing” were just given to you?
If we aren’t aware of how the universal laws play out in our lives or that nature is continuously demonstrating through us the results of our actions, most of us experience change as a curse or punishment rather than a way to encourage us to act in a more enlightened way. Enlightenment brings about outcomes that are in the best interest of us and our fellow human beings.
Most transformational cycles present themselves as challenges. The facility with which we move through change is in direct proportion to how we perceive the changes. Difficulty? Or opportunity?
Adapting and surrendering to change requires faith in something bigger than us. The quality of the outcome depends on our ability to relinquish control and, instead, listen intently to our intuition. Learning to listen and decipher the messages from the Divine is crucial. Why? So that when we need help, we recognize and accept the guidance required to move through (or around) hazards and hardships to higher ground.
World-shaking change, such as what we have been through in the last two years, is exactly the kind we tend to shy away from. But maybe the fact that it was forced upon us so suddenly can allow us to look at it from a different perspective. Maybe, just maybe, we can begin to see that all that happens is meant to happen exactly as it has.
Most of us are conditioned to attempt to gain control – especially when the chaos we’re surrounded with is threatening to overcome us. The panic we experience is a sign of how little we trust our creator. Many of us say we believe in God, but when it comes down to it, do we trust God? Do we trust that God has us in God’s care? Can we calm down enough to hear “the still, small voice” whispering, “I’m here! All is as it should be.”
I, for one, would not want to be at the mercy of nature. I prefer to flow with nature, to be supported by it. I have learned that, when I stop and let go and move with nature, nature comes in and supports me through, carrying me on the wings of change.
Our willingness to push past comfortable boundaries frees us from self-absorption so that we can truly love our “self” and, thus, connect with the compassion that helps us love others.
The cycle of the butterfly is a metaphor for the natural flow of creation. There is no resistance in the butterfly through the four stages of its metamorphosis. Resistance would prevent the completion of the cycle that allows the caterpillar to become a butterfly. Transformation offers us the chance to deepen our connection with others and the Divine and to accept creation as it is – perfection! This acceptance allows us to live a more surrendered and, thus, fulfilled life.
The change that was so often forced upon me at the last minute when I was child has taught me, bit by bit, in adulthood, to be able to “turn on a dime” as they say. What’s more, as I write about those early experiences in my book, My Unconventional Journey Home: A Story of Transcending Pain into Power, I see in my own life the point I’m trying to make in this blog article: All was (and is) as it should be.