A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions!

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

Do you ever feel as though you have had a blindfold on you that, at different times in your life, kept you from seeing things as they actually were? You reason to yourself that, had you not had that spiritual blindfold on, you would probably have looked at these actions differently, or done something different, or maybe even not done those things at all. And, now, in retrospect, you would like the opportunity to do them over. Am I right?

Relationships are usually on the top of the list of blunders, misjudgments…the list could go on and on. I am sure we’ve all said or done something to someone and later felt we should have said something else or reacted differently or stayed out of it altogether. I call these blunders “stepping into doo doo”!!

We usually perceive these past actions or words as “mistakes”, but are they really?

I do my best not to use the word “mistake” because our experiences are how we evolve, how we grow, how we learn not to stick our hands on the stove when it’s hot or how we learn not to leave the front door open when a toddler is in the house or how we make sure all fingers and hands are out of the way before closing a car door and how we shouldn’t tell someone we hate her or him in a fit of rage.

When they happen in real life, these scenarios most likely end unfavorably (and probably hurt someone), and I am quite sure you have experienced at least one of them or something similar.

Earth is a place where we have the benefit of making choices. And the choices we make are not always the right ones. We aren’t always going to get it right the first time around.


…if we were always perfect in our choosing, then what would be the point of coming to Earth in the first place? We learn through our choices, our actions and the consequences of our choices and actions. And, sometimes, we learn the lesson the first time around, and, sometimes, we don’t, so we must repeat!

As I have journeyed through many levels of transformation, I feel as though I have been power-washed from the inside out – the earthly grime cleansed from my inner lenses, the blindfold removed. This process reveals to me who I am at my core, without the programming, without the need to conform to the world’s influence and pull. I am more aware and conscious of the ways I operate now with a deep sense of clarity that allows me to act much less impulsively and reactively.    

In this month’s blog article, “Mistake…or the path to wisdom?”, I share insights from a dream about perceived mistakes I had made in the past. Upon awakening, I came to realize that, rather than mistakes, they were my greatest gifts of wisdom! Click here to read October’s blog

Once we peel back the layers of our human understanding and remove the mask that covers our inner sight, our awareness of who we really are at our core and what we are here to “BE” can emerge. This process begins when we stop seeing ourselves as playing a part in a human-constructed drama and, instead, see our lives as coming from the Creator. Only then, can we get on with the business of our souls!


The near-death experience of Jeff Olsen

An interview by Anthony Chene

Watch and listen to this man’s moving story of near death and his return to life with a new perspective on why we choose to come to Earth. Click here to go to the link.



Teleseminar by Master John Douglas available on YouTube!

Listen now to a recorded teleseminar by Master John Douglas of Sydney, Australia.

In this teleseminar, Master John talks about his mission and that of the Church of the Master Angels. It is such a rarity and HUGE blessing to have this recording to share! Stay on at the end and receive powerful Angelic Healing Transmissions.

Click here to listen to this recording and get details about another FREE teleseminar coming up on October 30, 2019. (Master John’s presentation begins at 20:38.)



Come join us for a video seminar featuring Master John Douglas

Light up the world

October 27, 2019

1 – 4 p.m.

Location: Santa Barbara, CA

At 35 locations throughout the world, many groups will be viewing this video seminar at the same time, making it a powerful way for all of us to collectively experience the wisdom of Master John Douglas.

Click on the link and check out the other locations around the world and attend if you can! The cost to attend is $88.00. Register for the Santa Barbara event by clicking here.

For questions, contact me at [email protected]


In closing

If you have questions or comments on the content, please feel free to reach out to me. If there is something you want to see more of in the future, I am open to suggestions. 

If you have something you would like to share in an upcoming month, send me an email message and let’s discuss it. I want this to be a place we can all share our journey’s, including motivating and moving movies, books, poems, and quotes, as well as any personal story or experience you are willing to share.

‘Til next time…


Experience is the teacher of all things!

Julius Caesar