A great beginning is sometimes at the point of what you thought would be the end of everything!


Like the chrysalis stage of a butterfly, we go through a type of metamorphosis. The only difference is that we are capable of moving in and out of these transitions many times throughout our lives. The Universe is constantly presenting us with opportunities to move through another “butterfly stage” – each successive stage offering us the chance for a new beginning and the awareness of wisdom acquired through our experiences, resulting in our expanding consciousness.  

We all come to this planet at different levels of wakefulness and knowledge, and we all face different challenges and the attendant choices we must make to overcome them (or not). The path the soul takes on its journey back to God requires that we live in honor, humility, gratitude and truth.

Standing at the precipice of change can be overwhelming and confusing, bringing up our worst fears and insecurities. In this state of mind, we find it difficult not to judge our abilities and intuition negatively and almost impossible to be at peace with what is. 


When we are connected, quiet and in listening mode, we are much more likely to hear the communications of our guiding Angels. If the butterfly wasn’t willing to go from egg, to caterpillar, to pupa to butterfly, there would be no metamorphoses, and, thus, no change. In other words, there would be no butterflies.

In this month’s blog article, “Baby steps to becoming a butterfly”, I share several of my own personal meditation journal entries from a time when I was at the beginning of a huge transition in my life. I asked about and explored everything I was feeling and thinking about. This is how I began cultivating my connection and relationship with the Divine. Click this link to read August’s blog.

I invite you to become a butterfly when life shows you a new direction and is beckoning you to explore another way to be – another way to heal from the past in order to be stronger for the future. When we change inwardly, we outgrow certain beliefs. This results in our growing stronger and in our being able to help others to grow stronger

Why not synchronize with the pattern of the Universe: Bigger, Better, Stronger!

Good Reads

This section is for book recommendations you would like to share that pertain to spirituality, spiritual growth, healing, angels…anything that speaks to feeding the soul. 

If you have read a good book you think may be of interest, please send me an email message to [email protected], and I may include it in some future month’s newsletter. 

This month’s recommendation is Anatomy of the spirit by Caroline Myss, Ph.D. She is an internationally sought-after speaker on spirituality and personal power. She is widely recognized for her work in teaching intuitive diagnosis and is a pioneer in the field of energy medicine. 


I recommend this book as a guide to a deeper understanding of how negative emotions are, by far, the strongest poison to the human spirit. The book also talks about ways to show yourself compassion, forgiveness and self-acceptance, those all-important next steps to self-love.



She will take you on a journey through the energy centers of the body, assisting you to see how we all take on the belief systems of our parents, ancestors and environment – good or bad. She also shares how to heal the physical body by changing our beliefs. Very powerful!

For more information and to purchase this book, click this link.

In closing

If you have questions or comments on the content, please feel free to reach out to me. If there is something you want to see more of in the future, I am open to suggestions.

If you have something you would like to share in an upcoming month, send me an email message and let’s discuss it. I want this to be a place where we can all share our journeys, including motivating and moving movies, books, poems, and quotes, as well as any personal story or experience.

‘Til next time…

Isolation is the enemy of improvement!

By Moshe Dayan