How badly do you want things in your life to change and what are you willing to do to make this happen?
That very question may seem difficult and unimaginable to some but what it really means is taking full responsibility for your life – all of your decisions, responsibilities, screw-ups, the things you have said and done in the past and what happens in your future.
I came to a huge crossroad back in 2013 that changed the entire trajectory of my life. I was in a house whose structure was compromised and I owed well more than it was worth. I felt trapped, stressed out and had no idea how to get out from beneath this burden.
One day, I started to meditate, short 5, 7, then 10-minute sessions and once I broke through my resistance after just one week, I was hooked and was meditating twice a day. A week later, I had an experience that opened me to a new level of awareness. I finally said “YES” to letting go of the house I had called home for the past 10 years, had fought so hard to keep and that my husband and I had dumped gobs of money into. I was finally able to say yes to doing a short sale and moving on.
As soon as I said the “YES” word, it was though my roof opened up and a I was struck with a force that made my head spin – my spiritual awakening. This was the moment that the invisible structures, the parameters that I had built around me (to keep me safe) crumbled – mirrored by the physical structure I was finally walking away from.
Despite how much I thought I had lost, I felt freer than I had felt in a long time. This was the beginning of my spiritual journey – my journey back to my true self, my soul-self and back to Divine Source.
This journey began when I started to meditate and shortly after, I was guided to write a meditation guide to help beginners get started, the same way I had.
The past 8 years, I have also been writing my memoir. I have traveled back to the beginning of my time on this earth – the memories of the most difficult times in my life (and there have been many), brought to the surface for me to integrate with the awareness and understanding I have now. My writing has given my young self, a voice to share, reconcile, integrate all that happened and – again, it all began because I said “YES”, and I started meditating.
So, what better time to begin this new year of 2023 with a new practice that, to me, is the most important part of my day because of what it has brought into my life. I want this for you! This is why it came to me. To share my story, to share my experience and to share that YOU are worthy of the time spent in quiet contemplation. You are worthy of taking the time to get to know your true self, the soul that merged with you before birth and that is there to guide you along your way through this life. But the only way to hear, is when you get quiet through meditation.
When you empty your mind through meditation, you are more able to be an open receptacle for Divine grace – which comes through you in the purist form as more patience, kindness, compassion, and love.
One of my favorite mediations from my meditation guide is Centering and Aligning your Energy. You can listen to a short snippet by clicking the link.
I wish for you the coming New Year, new beginnings that will shift you to a higher path and a more fulfilling, juicy and joy filled life. Now you just have to take action!