Looking for Love in All the Right Places

Much of my life seems to have been centered around finding love (mostly from someone else) that would satisfy my deep internal craving for a sacred, honorable, and eternal love. I just knew this kind of love had to exist…somewhere. Where else would this longing...

The Bridge Inwards July 2020 Inside Story

Resilience: (n) The capacity to absorb energy from disruption.   Envision for a moment pieces of a puzzle that reflect your life experiences. Each piece represents a monumental time in your life…a memory burned into your being. Each piece arrives at different...


Approaching and moving through a new experience can sometimes feel as though we are blindfolded, driven out to the desert, dropped off and left to find our way home – without map or cell phone. We may end up going the wrong way, fall, scrape a knee, or twist an ankle....