by Lynzie | Dec 12, 2018 | Authenticity, Blessings, Body, Contemplation, Courage, Dreams, Evolution, Faith, Gratitude, Interconnection, Letting go, Meditation, Mind, Openness, Peace, Self growth, Self revelation, Spiritual connection, Spiritual growth, Spiritual guidance, Transformation, Uncategorized
It occurs to me that, in our culture, there is an underlying assumption that when Christmas rolls around we will receive a gift or gifts. I also sense the expectation on the purchaser’s or gift giver’s side that she or he must give a gift – regardless of how the... by Lynzie | Nov 15, 2018 | Body, Contemplation, Interconnection, Letting go, Meditation, Mind, Spiritual connection, Spiritual guidance, Visualization, Walking meditation
When your attention is focused on your body, you are more or less out of your thoughts and feeling what is going on inside your body. Your heart is beating, your breath is moving in and out of your lungs. You may be experiencing rumbling in your stomach or noticing... by Lynzie | Oct 16, 2018 | Courage, Faith, Healing, Letting go, Spiritual connection
I recently came through a series of events, each one feeling as though I was walking through pitch black with no spec of light to guide me. I thought I would be swallowed up and dragged into the depths of hell, where I would never be heard from again. I was in the... by Lynzie | Apr 28, 2018 | Letting go, Self revelation, Spiritual growth, Walking meditation
My black lab Layla is unrelenting when it comes to her daily walk. This routine starts with my very first stirring of the morning as I roll over to check the clock. If she had her way, she would be collared, leashed and on her way out the front door as soon as one of...