Know thyself and love will follow…

It was only when I took the journey inward through my meditation practice that I found my home, a space where I felt at peace for the first time in my life. This space was where I would go to be enlivened, rejuvenated, empowered and healed of the pain that had taken...

The Bridge Inward’s August 2019 Inside Story

A great beginning is sometimes at the point of what you thought would be the end of everything! Dodinsky Like the chrysalis stage of a butterfly, we go through a type of metamorphosis. The only difference is that we are capable of moving in and out of these...

Baby steps to becoming a butterfly

The process of transformation happens gradually and can, at times, be like living on a slow-motion roller coaster. If transformation happened quickly, we wouldn’t be able to comprehend or integrate into our daily lives the many levels of change and lessons being...