by Lynzie | Aug 6, 2019 | Blessings, Body, Journaling, Letting go, Meditation, Openness, Peace, Self awareness, Self discovery, Self growth, Self revelation, Self worth, Spiritual connection, Spiritual growth, Spiritual guidance, Transformation
The process of transformation happens gradually and can, at times, be like living on a slow-motion roller coaster. If transformation happened quickly, we wouldn’t be able to comprehend or integrate into our daily lives the many levels of change and lessons being... by Lynzie | Jul 14, 2019 | Body, Courage, Evolution, Healing, Interrelationships, Self worth, Spiritual connection, Spiritual growth, Spiritual guidance
Detachment is not that you should own nothing but that nothing owns you! Imagine yourself in front of a large board that is about 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide covered with electrical outlets. Now imagine that there are several cords coming out of you and... by Lynzie | Jul 12, 2019 | Body, Courage, Evolution, Faith, Healing, Interrelationships, Self worth, Spiritual connection, Spiritual guidance, Transformation
How connected are you to the Divine above and Mother Earth below? Over the past several years I have noticed a good number of people, myself included, who have shared their disenchantment about being on this planet – as if we had been dragged here without our consent... by Lynzie | Jun 13, 2019 | Body, Evolution, Faith, Healing, Meditation, Mind, Self worth, Spiritual connection, Spiritual guidance, Spirituality
Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes see is darkness! By Barbara Johnson Enlightenment means to become en-light-ened or made lighter through an experience. Becoming enlightened is the expression that is most helpful to us when we find ourselves... by Lynzie | Apr 10, 2019 | Body, Healing, Mind, Openness, Peace, Personal development, Self awareness, Self growth, Self worth, Spiritual connection, Transformation
The symbol of spring’s arrival is one of rebirth and renewal, an opportunity for new beginnings. As the temperature starts to rise, the earth beneath our feet softens, making way for new growth to occur. For many, springtime represents a happy time – a declaration... by Lynzie | Feb 7, 2019 | Healing, Self awareness, Self discovery, Self growth, Self revelation, Self worth, Spirit, Uncategorized
Welcome to The Bridge Inward’s Inside Story February 2019 How do we “BE” love? In this month’s newsletter I am exploring the topic of universal love. For many years I searched to find that missing piece within me so that I could become love and express love. I could...