by Lynzie | Jul 12, 2019 | Body, Courage, Evolution, Faith, Healing, Interrelationships, Self worth, Spiritual connection, Spiritual guidance, Transformation
How connected are you to the Divine above and Mother Earth below? Over the past several years I have noticed a good number of people, myself included, who have shared their disenchantment about being on this planet – as if we had been dragged here without our consent... by Lynzie | Jun 13, 2019 | Body, Evolution, Faith, Healing, Meditation, Mind, Self worth, Spiritual connection, Spiritual guidance, Spirituality
Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes see is darkness! By Barbara Johnson Enlightenment means to become en-light-ened or made lighter through an experience. Becoming enlightened is the expression that is most helpful to us when we find ourselves... by Lynzie | Jun 6, 2019 | Body, Evolution, Faith, Healing, Mind, Peace, Self growth, Spiritual connection, Spiritual growth, Spiritual guidance
I have written much on purifying the body, but what about the purity of our thoughts? Your thoughts and emotional responses are continuously being recorded by your subconscious mind – all energy from the creation of the thoughts being stored just as data is stored on... by Lynzie | May 8, 2019 | Blessings, Body, Contemplation, Courage, Dreams, Evolution, Faith, Gratitude, Healing, Journaling, Meditation, Mind, Peace, Self discovery, Self growth, Self revelation, Spiritual growth, Spiritual guidance, Transformation, Walking meditation
The flower is the poetry of reproduction. It is an example of the eternal seductiveness of life. Jean Giraudoux The vibration of a flower is enough to lift your spirits and bring a pleasing sense of lightness to a space – especially the more fragrant flowers,... by Lynzie | May 8, 2019 | Blessings, Body, Contemplation, Courage, Dharma, Dreams, Evolution, Faith, Gratitude, Healing, Journaling, Meditation, Mind, Peace, Self discovery, Self revelation, Spiritual guidance, Transformation
Healing yourself from depression and all the many symptoms that accompany this malady – if taken on – can be quite a revolutionary journey of self-discovery, epiphanies, and finding and living in truth – despite outer influences and your own inner pressure / ego.... by Lynzie | Mar 9, 2019 | Contemplation, Dharma, Evolution, Journaling, Meditation, Self awareness, Self revelation, Spiritual guidance, Transformation
Welcome to The Bridge Inward’s Inside Story March 2019 The change of seasons from winter to spring and the promise of new life is here. The long winter is almost over and new life is wriggling and squirming, waiting to burst into full bloom. When I think of March, I...