by Lynzie | Aug 7, 2019 | Blessings, Body, Journaling, Letting go, Meditation, Openness, Peace, Self awareness, Self discovery, Self growth, Self revelation, Self worth, Spiritual connection, Spiritual growth, Spiritual guidance, Transformation, Writing
A great beginning is sometimes at the point of what you thought would be the end of everything! Dodinsky Like the chrysalis stage of a butterfly, we go through a type of metamorphosis. The only difference is that we are capable of moving in and out of these... by Lynzie | Aug 6, 2019 | Blessings, Body, Journaling, Letting go, Meditation, Openness, Peace, Self awareness, Self discovery, Self growth, Self revelation, Self worth, Spiritual connection, Spiritual growth, Spiritual guidance, Transformation
The process of transformation happens gradually and can, at times, be like living on a slow-motion roller coaster. If transformation happened quickly, we wouldn’t be able to comprehend or integrate into our daily lives the many levels of change and lessons being... by Lynzie | Jul 14, 2019 | Body, Courage, Evolution, Healing, Interrelationships, Self worth, Spiritual connection, Spiritual growth, Spiritual guidance
Detachment is not that you should own nothing but that nothing owns you! Imagine yourself in front of a large board that is about 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide covered with electrical outlets. Now imagine that there are several cords coming out of you and... by Lynzie | Jun 6, 2019 | Body, Evolution, Faith, Healing, Mind, Peace, Self growth, Spiritual connection, Spiritual growth, Spiritual guidance
I have written much on purifying the body, but what about the purity of our thoughts? Your thoughts and emotional responses are continuously being recorded by your subconscious mind – all energy from the creation of the thoughts being stored just as data is stored on... by Lynzie | May 8, 2019 | Blessings, Body, Contemplation, Courage, Dreams, Evolution, Faith, Gratitude, Healing, Journaling, Meditation, Mind, Peace, Self discovery, Self growth, Self revelation, Spiritual growth, Spiritual guidance, Transformation, Walking meditation
The flower is the poetry of reproduction. It is an example of the eternal seductiveness of life. Jean Giraudoux The vibration of a flower is enough to lift your spirits and bring a pleasing sense of lightness to a space – especially the more fragrant flowers,... by Lynzie | Apr 10, 2019 | Blessings, Body, Evolution, Faith, Healing, Interconnection, Mind, Peace, Personal development, Self awareness, Self growth, Spiritual connection, Spiritual growth, Transformation
Welcome to The Bridge Inward’s Inside Story April 2019 Here comes the sun! The earth’s tilt has now changed its position and is making its way back toward the sun. As the earth draws closer to the sun, its warmth thaws the ground, making way for seeds to take root and...