by Lynzie | Jul 14, 2019 | Body, Courage, Evolution, Healing, Interrelationships, Self worth, Spiritual connection, Spiritual growth, Spiritual guidance
Detachment is not that you should own nothing but that nothing owns you! Imagine yourself in front of a large board that is about 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide covered with electrical outlets. Now imagine that there are several cords coming out of you and... by Lynzie | Jul 12, 2019 | Body, Courage, Evolution, Faith, Healing, Interrelationships, Self worth, Spiritual connection, Spiritual guidance, Transformation
How connected are you to the Divine above and Mother Earth below? Over the past several years I have noticed a good number of people, myself included, who have shared their disenchantment about being on this planet – as if we had been dragged here without our consent... by Lynzie | May 8, 2019 | Blessings, Body, Contemplation, Courage, Dreams, Evolution, Faith, Gratitude, Healing, Journaling, Meditation, Mind, Peace, Self discovery, Self growth, Self revelation, Spiritual growth, Spiritual guidance, Transformation, Walking meditation
The flower is the poetry of reproduction. It is an example of the eternal seductiveness of life. Jean Giraudoux The vibration of a flower is enough to lift your spirits and bring a pleasing sense of lightness to a space – especially the more fragrant flowers,... by Lynzie | May 8, 2019 | Blessings, Body, Contemplation, Courage, Dharma, Dreams, Evolution, Faith, Gratitude, Healing, Journaling, Meditation, Mind, Peace, Self discovery, Self revelation, Spiritual guidance, Transformation
Healing yourself from depression and all the many symptoms that accompany this malady – if taken on – can be quite a revolutionary journey of self-discovery, epiphanies, and finding and living in truth – despite outer influences and your own inner pressure / ego.... by Lynzie | Mar 6, 2019 | Contemplation, Courage, Evolution, Faith, Meditation, Personal responsibility, Purpose, Spiritual guidance, Transformation
I think all of us have asked ourselves the question, “Why am I here?”, at some time in our life, possibly on more than one occasion. When I ruminate on this question, I am usually being challenged and in-the-dark about something going on in my life, or I am at a fork... by Lynzie | Dec 12, 2018 | Authenticity, Blessings, Body, Contemplation, Courage, Dreams, Evolution, Faith, Gratitude, Interconnection, Letting go, Meditation, Mind, Openness, Peace, Self growth, Self revelation, Spiritual connection, Spiritual growth, Spiritual guidance, Transformation, Uncategorized
It occurs to me that, in our culture, there is an underlying assumption that when Christmas rolls around we will receive a gift or gifts. I also sense the expectation on the purchaser’s or gift giver’s side that she or he must give a gift – regardless of how the...