by Lynzie | May 8, 2019 | Blessings, Body, Contemplation, Courage, Dharma, Dreams, Evolution, Faith, Gratitude, Healing, Journaling, Meditation, Mind, Peace, Self discovery, Self revelation, Spiritual guidance, Transformation
Healing yourself from depression and all the many symptoms that accompany this malady – if taken on – can be quite a revolutionary journey of self-discovery, epiphanies, and finding and living in truth – despite outer influences and your own inner pressure / ego.... by Lynzie | Apr 10, 2019 | Blessings, Body, Evolution, Faith, Healing, Interconnection, Mind, Peace, Personal development, Self awareness, Self growth, Spiritual connection, Spiritual growth, Transformation
Welcome to The Bridge Inward’s Inside Story April 2019 Here comes the sun! The earth’s tilt has now changed its position and is making its way back toward the sun. As the earth draws closer to the sun, its warmth thaws the ground, making way for seeds to take root and... by Lynzie | Apr 10, 2019 | Body, Healing, Mind, Openness, Peace, Personal development, Self awareness, Self growth, Self worth, Spiritual connection, Transformation
The symbol of spring’s arrival is one of rebirth and renewal, an opportunity for new beginnings. As the temperature starts to rise, the earth beneath our feet softens, making way for new growth to occur. For many, springtime represents a happy time – a declaration... by Lynzie | Jan 15, 2019 | Blessings, Evolution, Healing, Peace, Self awareness, Self worth, Spiritual guidance, Transformation
Welcome to The Bridge Inward’s Inside Story January 2019 Greetings, All, January is an opportune time to press the reset button on your to-do list, your goals, your wants and desires, the things you didn’t seem to get to in the previous year. So, what do you desire... by Lynzie | Jan 15, 2019 | Evolution, Healing, Peace, Personal development, Self awareness, Self revelation, Spiritual connection, Spiritual guidance, Uncategorized
What is the function of your subconscious mind? Your subconscious mind’s function is to store and retrieve information and messages that are received by the brain in every waking hour. Messages from parents, grandparents, relatives, significant others, friends,... by Lynzie | Dec 12, 2018 | Authenticity, Blessings, Body, Contemplation, Courage, Dreams, Evolution, Faith, Gratitude, Interconnection, Letting go, Meditation, Mind, Openness, Peace, Self growth, Self revelation, Spiritual connection, Spiritual growth, Spiritual guidance, Transformation, Uncategorized
It occurs to me that, in our culture, there is an underlying assumption that when Christmas rolls around we will receive a gift or gifts. I also sense the expectation on the purchaser’s or gift giver’s side that she or he must give a gift – regardless of how the...